Bal-A-Vis-X Training Sept 2014
I always have the privilege of shooting these events and they are amazing! Bal-A-Vis-X
is a great program for children and adults living with learning and/or behavioral disabilities. ADD/ADHD and more. Check out more about the beneficial aspects of Bal-A-Vis-X
by clicking on the link.
These are some images from the Child Training sessions.
Special Oympics Aquatics Sept 2014
Photographing for the Special Olympics of Southern Arizona is one of my volunteer pastimes. I generally shoot for them 3-4 times a year and the Aquatics is by far, my favorite. Check out the slideshow for the 2014 Aquatic Games hosted at the Reid Park Aquatic Center.

Photographing in Macro
Lets face it, shooting incredible Macro images is difficult. However, if a few simple rules are followed, it isnt as hard you may think.
First, start with a true Macro Lens (stay away from Macro increasers that twist onto the end of your lens like a filter.) The greater the magnification, the farther you can be from your subject, increasing the chances of a better, focused, shot. They generally come in 60mm, 100mm and 180mm choices. For most of my Macro work, I have chosen the 100mm Macro lens.
Find the most interesting aspect of the subject and hold as still as possible while taking the image. Try photographing from a couple of different angles and focusing your lens on multiple areas of the subject to get the best looking, composed image. Sometimes the most interesting Macro images are the ones you least expect!

Photographing Landscapes
Getting picture posctcard perfect Landscape images can be a challenge, but is not beyond the realm of a photographer serious about getting a good shot. Of course, having an eye for composition does help!
First, find a nice setting. This includes a Landscape with several interesting features that can range from plateaus to lots of hills or interesting fauna. A focal point such as an odd shaped mountain formation or an old house lying within rolling hills or a forest increases the 'wow factor' dramatically. Early Morning and Evening shots can be particularly dazzling when the colors in the sky range across the color spectrum. Clouds add to to the dynamic of the image as well and show off the early morning and sunset colors beautifully.
There really is no magic bullet for photographing interesting and show worthy Landscapes, but these are some helpful tips to get you started!

Photographing Lightning Storms
During the Monsoon season in Tucson, incredible Thunderstorms pass through Arizona. To the patient and practiced Photographer, they also bring amazing images. Shooting Lightning Storms is all about timing and utilizing your camera's functions to its fullest extent.
To gain the most from your outdoor Storm experience, shooting in Manual mode is a must. Watching the storms and timing the intervals are two of your most valuable tools. You'll also need a remote trigger, either wired or wireless.
Set your ISO as desired, generally 100 or 200 and your shutter speed for 10-15 seconds and adjust your aperture to get desired results depending on the situation. Check your images after a couple of actual lightning exposures and adjust accordingly.